PRODUCTS / Dead Centers
Dead Centers are typically located in Tailstocks of Lathes, Grinders and other production machines which support workpieces. Neidlein Dead Centers are made from the Highest Quality Steels and are through Hardened which can be reground. Available in many different configurations – CNC, Standard and Half centers with Steel or Carbide points. Neidlein Dead Centers can be manufactured in Morse, Jarno, and Brown & Sharpe Tapers with the highest running Accuracy’s with Gage Quality Precision.
Exclusive North American Dealer
- Made from the Highest Quality Steels are through Hardened and can be reground.
- Available in many different configurations
- Solid Dead Centers, Half Dead Centers
- CNC (Threads) – CNC Solid Dead Centers, CNC Half Dead Centers
- Carbide Points – Tipped or Full Face
- Tapers – Morse, Jarno, and Brown & Sharpe
- True Running Accuracy of .00007